Basic Pasta Dough
Recipe by Silvia Baldini— This is my basic homemade pasta dough recipe. It requires 4 simple ingredients. Flour, eggs, water and a little olive oil. I always prefer 00 flour, which is traditionally used in Italy because it renders a smooth, silky and tender dough. 00 flour is lower in gluten than an All Purpose American flour and it is grounded finer, hence it has a more powdery consistency and the pasta gets a nice tender bite and not as much chew. The eggs need to be fresh and with a bright yellow or orange yolk to achieve the characteristic warm and inviting color of homemade pasta. I use as little water as I can, just enough to get the right wet texture and a little olive oil to help with the consistency. I really don’t like to use salt in the dough because I think pasta should be a blank canvas to which the flavors are added and layered later on when cooking. Finally, I suggest you always finish your dough by hand and not in a mixer to make sure you attained the right texture. Making the dough is easy, it just takes a little practice and the proportion are more or less 3/4 of a cup of 00 flour to one large egg per portion or even better, if you own a scale, 100g of flours to one egg.